Computer Virus 'Panda Burn Joss Sticks'
The computer virus ‘Panda burn joss sticks’ spread in China
Presently, the Virus 'Panda burn joss sticks' were very popular in the internet and more than 2 million of computer have been infected in China. ‘Panda burn joss sticks’(a distortion virus of Viking.qo) is a type of worm virus programmed by Delphi; it can affect the register list and stop the working of the virus defense software. Recently, many Chinese internet users have been attacked by the virus, even the bank system have been involved in this virus wave (so it take a big damage to the Chinese Network, and this virus have been vote to the most ruinous virus this year in China ). This Virus will delete the <.gho> file, which makes the customer can not run the ghost to resume the system. This Virus also infect the system files such as <.exe> <.com> <.pif> <.src> <.html> <.asp> ,and add the virus to web (when it infect the .exe file, the icon of the program will turn to picture of ‘Panda burn Joss sticks’, so the virus is being called ‘Panda Burn Joss Sticks’In China, and you know the panda is a symbol of China). So if the customer open the web, The IE will connect to the appointed virus web to download the virus itself, and create the autorun.inf and setup.exe in hard disk. And certainly, it can be spread via the Flash dick and the moving disk, and also can spread in the local network. And can run itself in the Windows system. Now the suspects have been arrest. Because the main suspect is come from Wuhan City, Hubei Province. So the Virus has a English name called ‘WH.boy’.Following is some information of the Virus:
Chinese Name: 熊猫烧香English Name: WhboyVirus size: variationalDamage degree: ★★★Involved system : Win 9x/ME/NT/2000/XP/2003
How to protect your computer :
1. local network customer should avoid to establish the sharing file in the Local network, if you have already establish the sharing file, you should stop to use.
2. if not necessary, you should stop the windows 2000/XP’s IPC$ sharing. And set a secure password for the admin ID.
3. update the system frequently and do not open the web-site which you are not sure about. Especially for the Bug of Microsoft’s MS06-014.
4. update the Virus defense software and the virus database.
5. Download the latest QQ massager. Now we have find lots of baleful web site has utilized the Bug of the QQ to spread the virus.
6. If you use the flash disk or Moving disk, you should check the disk by virus defense software first and then use them.Now the 'Whboy' have been spread out of China such as Japan, Koran etc.., And many of varietal virus born these days.
Computer Virus 'Panda Burn Joss Sticks'
Computer Virus 'Panda Burn Joss Sticks'
The computer virus ‘Panda burn joss sticks’ spread in China
Presently, the Virus 'Panda burn joss sticks' were very popular in the internet and more than 2 million of computer have been infected in China. ‘Panda burn joss sticks’(a distortion virus of Viking.qo) is a type of worm virus programmed by Delphi; it can affect the register list and stop the working of the virus defense software. Recently, many Chinese internet users have been attacked by the virus, even the bank system have been involved in this virus wave (so it take a big damage to the Chinese Network, and this virus have been vote to the most ruinous virus this year in China ). This Virus will delete the <.gho> file, which makes the customer can not run the ghost to resume the system. This Virus also infect the system files such as <.exe> <.com> <.pif> <.src> <.html> <.asp> ,and add the virus to web (when it infect the .exe file, the icon of the program will turn to picture of ‘Panda burn Joss sticks’, so the virus is being called ‘Panda Burn Joss Sticks’In China, and you know the panda is a symbol of China). So if the customer open the web, The IE will connect to the appointed virus web to download the virus itself, and create the autorun.inf and setup.exe in hard disk. And certainly, it can be spread via the Flash dick and the moving disk, and also can spread in the local network. And can run itself in the Windows system. Now the suspects have been arrest. Because the main suspect is come from Wuhan City, Hubei Province. So the Virus has a English name called ‘WH.boy’.Following is some information of the Virus:
Chinese Name: 熊猫烧香English Name: WhboyVirus size: variationalDamage degree: ★★★Involved system : Win 9x/ME/NT/2000/XP/2003
How to protect your computer :
1. local network customer should avoid to establish the sharing file in the Local network, if you have already establish the sharing file, you should stop to use.
2. if not necessary, you should stop the windows 2000/XP’s IPC$ sharing. And set a secure password for the admin ID.
3. update the system frequently and do not open the web-site which you are not sure about. Especially for the Bug of Microsoft’s MS06-014.
4. update the Virus defense software and the virus database.
5. Download the latest QQ massager. Now we have find lots of baleful web site has utilized the Bug of the QQ to spread the virus.
6. If you use the flash disk or Moving disk, you should check the disk by virus defense software first and then use them.Now the 'Whboy' have been spread out of China such as Japan, Koran etc.., And many of varietal virus born these days.
The computer virus ‘Panda burn joss sticks’ spread in China
Presently, the Virus 'Panda burn joss sticks' were very popular in the internet and more than 2 million of computer have been infected in China. ‘Panda burn joss sticks’(a distortion virus of Viking.qo) is a type of worm virus programmed by Delphi; it can affect the register list and stop the working of the virus defense software. Recently, many Chinese internet users have been attacked by the virus, even the bank system have been involved in this virus wave (so it take a big damage to the Chinese Network, and this virus have been vote to the most ruinous virus this year in China ). This Virus will delete the <.gho> file, which makes the customer can not run the ghost to resume the system. This Virus also infect the system files such as <.exe> <.com> <.pif> <.src> <.html> <.asp> ,and add the virus to web (when it infect the .exe file, the icon of the program will turn to picture of ‘Panda burn Joss sticks’, so the virus is being called ‘Panda Burn Joss Sticks’In China, and you know the panda is a symbol of China). So if the customer open the web, The IE will connect to the appointed virus web to download the virus itself, and create the autorun.inf and setup.exe in hard disk. And certainly, it can be spread via the Flash dick and the moving disk, and also can spread in the local network. And can run itself in the Windows system. Now the suspects have been arrest. Because the main suspect is come from Wuhan City, Hubei Province. So the Virus has a English name called ‘WH.boy’.Following is some information of the Virus:
Chinese Name: 熊猫烧香English Name: WhboyVirus size: variationalDamage degree: ★★★Involved system : Win 9x/ME/NT/2000/XP/2003
How to protect your computer :
1. local network customer should avoid to establish the sharing file in the Local network, if you have already establish the sharing file, you should stop to use.
2. if not necessary, you should stop the windows 2000/XP’s IPC$ sharing. And set a secure password for the admin ID.
3. update the system frequently and do not open the web-site which you are not sure about. Especially for the Bug of Microsoft’s MS06-014.
4. update the Virus defense software and the virus database.
5. Download the latest QQ massager. Now we have find lots of baleful web site has utilized the Bug of the QQ to spread the virus.
6. If you use the flash disk or Moving disk, you should check the disk by virus defense software first and then use them.Now the 'Whboy' have been spread out of China such as Japan, Koran etc.., And many of varietal virus born these days.
<读图时代> 天才之外的爱因斯坦

fig.1 : 封面语: 改变我们生活的世界的天才的私人生活, 图片: 1921年4月爱因斯坦和第2任妻子,当年爱因斯坦获得诺贝尔奖.
fig.2 : 1919年爱因斯坦出现在柏林最著名的周刊---<柏林公民>上, 标题: 人类历史上的又一个明星. (看图片1是在1921年,感觉爱因斯坦已经是一个糟老头了, 不过1919年的剃了胡子,整了整头发和是像个人样的------只不过这个叫 卓别林)
fig.3 : 爱因斯坦在讲解他的相对论.
fig.4 : 老爱和他的科学家同事在研究宇宙理论.
fig.5 : 老爱的桌子, 感觉和我的差不多,不过我没有烟斗.
fig.6: 老爱的家庭生活, 他的继女还有将要和她继女结婚的记者(两个都带 'ji'---继,记, 比较配)
fig.7 : 爱因斯坦三世同堂.
<时代周刊> 一周最佳漫画——布什是绝对主角

第2幅:句1:听说全球变暖是由温室气体的排放引起的 句2:所以我禁止了所有的温室 :)
第6幅:DEMS 是什么?是否是美国政府的某个机构?bush像一个犯了错的小孩一样在那里犯傻。
第7幅:climate scientist 是气象学专家还是什么专家发言人之类的角色吧!bush封住了他们的嘴巴所以就可以自行其是了。
第8幅:布什政府的 国内预算 和 军事预算的对比。
<学习> 教你学手语第二章——职业 1

以上的手语是关于一些职业的称谓。值得注意的是现在最新版的中国手语词典,加入了很多新的元素。有些元素是可以帮助我们一般人比较快的掌握手语的——比如利用这个词语的读音。在上面的图片中有一副表示了我们汉语拼音的手语表达法,很多词语以后可以用手语表示音标来表达,比如‘哥哥’ 就可以用 G这个字母的动作做 两次来表达,不过这对很多聋哑人反而成了难题,我们知道手语在世界各地都是不同的,同一个国家的不同地方也不同,很多手语都是结合了方言的,因为有方言式的肢体语言为基础,这些手语让聋哑人学习起来是比较方便的。但是如果运用到拼音的话,有一个难题是,很多聋哑人基本都是因为聋的关系,所以没有听过别人说话发音,对音标也是没有概念的。这样的话,我们就很难和他们说明我们所表达的音标是什么意思。这点上我还是比较困惑的,难道这个的设计只是为了让正常人更好的学习手语?
<学习> 教你学手语第一章——称谓

因为在市里参加一个义工组织,有时候会接触到一些聋哑人。去年在我们市的图书馆里举行一个手语学习班级,就跑去看了。当坐在我周围的都是一些聋哑人的时候。那种感觉是从未有过的,当然有很多热心人是来学习手语的,但是在这个不大的会场里更多的还是聋哑人。手语老师和我们说了很多学习手语的好处,不仅仅是为聋哑人创造一个好的交流环境,对我们自身来说也是百利而无一害的:通常我们只用嘴巴表达,但是我们知道结合了肢体语言的表达给别人的印象会更深刻,用手语表达活络经脉,算是一种不错的运动——老师还说大家不要学瑜迦了,学手语不仅锻炼身体而且锻炼智力,最重要的是更时尚 :)。 当时也是热血沸腾的要把手语立马学好,在会场上也是跟着老师比画。末了,收到一张市残联的卡片。

世界银行估计,世界上最贫穷的人当中20%是残疾人, 他们在各自所在社区里是最为弱势的群体。
残疾妇女和女童特别容易受到虐待。 印度奥利沙邦2004年调查显示,几乎所有的残疾妇女和女童在家里都遭到殴打,25%智力残疾的妇女遭到强奸,6%妇女被强迫绝育。
世界银行估计,世界上最贫穷的人当中20%是残疾人, 他们在各自所在社区里是最为弱势的群体。
残疾妇女和女童特别容易受到虐待。 印度奥利沙邦2004年调查显示,几乎所有的残疾妇女和女童在家里都遭到殴打,25%智力残疾的妇女遭到强奸,6%妇女被强迫绝育。
联合国开发计划署1998年数据显示, 全球只有3%的残疾人和1%的残疾妇女拥有读写能力。
国际劳工组织称, 估计全球有3亿8千6百万适龄工作的残疾人。在有些国家,残疾人失业率高达80%。 通常雇主认为残疾人没有工作能力。
印度推广残疾人就业中心的报告显示, 印度残疾人人口高达总人口5%到6%,尽管有残疾人法例提供了3%的政府工作职位, 但是就业问题仍未得到解决。 印度有超过7千万残疾人,但是只有10万残疾人得到就业机会。
2004年美国调查显示, 只有35%的适龄工作的残疾人实际在工作,相比之下有78%的非残疾人拥有工作。三分之二的失业残疾人表示他们愿意工作,只是找不到工作。
2002年调查显示,公司报告残疾人雇员有很高的保留率,可以降低再雇佣的高开销。 其他美国调查显示在任职一年后,残疾人的保留率达85%。
世界卫生组织称,在某些国家, 四分之一的残疾人是由受伤和暴力导致的。
2006年12月13日 第61届联大今天通过了《残疾人权利公约》(Convention of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities)。这是国际社会在21世纪通过的第一个人权公约。联合国秘书长、联大主席、联合国人权事务高级专员和各国大使都纷纷对这一公约的通过表示祝贺。
安南秘书长、61届联大主席哈亚•拉希德•阿勒哈利法(Haya Rashed Al Khalifa)、人权高专阿尔布尔(Louise Arbour)对起草谈判历时5年的这一公约终于获得通过表示欢迎和祝贺,对于全球6亿5千万残疾人终于有了保护其权利的国际公约感到欣慰,对领导和参与谈判的各国代表表示感谢,并希望各国尽快加入公约,使之早日生效。公约定于2007年3月30日开放给各国签署。当缔约国达到20个时,公约将生效。包括中国常驻联合国副代表刘振民大使在内的各国大使今天也纷纷对《残疾人权利公约》的通过表示欢迎和祝贺,并表达了进一步保障和促进残疾人权益的决心。刘振民在祝贺致辞中说:中国现有近8300万残疾人。多年来,中国政府致力于建立并逐步完善残疾人的人权保障体系,以帮助残疾人平等地参与社会生活。今年,中国政府颁布实施了2006-2010年中国残疾人事业发展纲要,着手实现残疾人人人享有康复等目标。在今天之前,世界上还没有专门保障残疾人权益的国际公约。1993年的《残疾人机会均等标准规则》虽已成为各国立法的参照标准,但不像公约那样具有法律约束力。目前立法保护残疾人的国家不到50个,而对残疾人的歧视则非常普遍,比如在一些发展中国家,多达90%的残疾儿童没法上学。在所有人类群体中,残疾人往往处在社会边缘,在实现其个人潜能中他们受到生理、法律、社会的多方阻碍。此公约将指导各国立法,从建筑、城市规划、交通、教育、就业和娱乐等所有方面,改变公众对残疾人的成见。残疾人的定义也是本公约谈判中遇到的困难之一。大部分与会代表都同意,残疾人是指生理、心理、感官先天不足或后天受损的人,例如,失明、失聪、活动能力受限制以及智力发展缺陷,等等。许多人会在生命某段时间里由于受伤、疾病、衰老而患有残疾。公约要求“逐步实现”的大部分条款,将与各国资源状况协调发展。一些步骤需要资金,对于资源稀缺的国家,国际援助将会有所帮助,公约的通过将有助于使这种通常被忽略的国际援助受到重视。公约要求做出的一些社会设施的改变,不仅能便利残疾人,而且普通人也能从中受益。例如电梯和斜坡给每个人都提供了更多的选择。新的建筑建设考虑到残疾人的需要,并不会大幅度增加建设成本。世界银行的研究显示,在建设前就考虑这些功能,花费将被降至最低,建设无障碍建筑,增加的成本少于1%。残疾人群体也是一个很大的人才库。残疾人能在广泛的领域贡献他们的才干、技巧和天赋。几乎在每个国家,残疾人都比非残疾人面对更高的失业率,但是研究显示,残疾人在工作中的表现至少和健全人一样良好。高留职率和低旷工率足可抵消在工作场所安装残疾人设施的开销。2003年美国一项调查显示,约四分之三的残疾人雇员不要求公司提供特别的设施。
从以上的两篇文章,我们可以看到关于残疾人的一些基本情况,我们国家作为一个发展中国家,人口基数庞大的国家,社会福利制度不完善的国家,所面临的残疾人问题尤为严重。怎么样去帮助这些人的,其实每个人都可以,只要我们伸出双手。 聋哑人是残疾人中比较特殊的群体,对他们来说困难的是如何和普通人沟通,他们的身体可能是很强壮的,心灵也是很明亮的。只要社会给他们一个良好的沟通环境,他们可以很好的适应。
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